About Roger Laureano, Senior UX Researcher

Portrait of Roger Laureano, with slightly messy hair, wearing a dark hoodie, in a well-lit indoor setting.

Hello, my name is Roger Laureano!

With a decade of research experience, I’m a UX researcher who leverages interdisciplinary perspectives, integrating quantitative analysis with insights from social, psychological, and philosophical theories.

I hold a PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and have been specializing in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

I work with both quantitative and qualitative research, moving seamlessly from complex data analyses to in-depth interviews, focus groups, usability tests, and netnographic studies. Professionally, I have spent many years dedicated to understanding user behavior across multiple companies.

However, my research extends beyond the corporate world. I also have an academic career, with publications in scientific journals and experience as a university professor, teaching subjects such as sociology, anthropology, organizational sociology, legal sociology, and both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Much of my work focuses on bridging the gap between corporate and academic research, bringing scientific rigor to business analyses of users, customers, and markets.

But above all, I enjoy thinking about certain things, and I also enjoy writing about them. That’s what this blog is all about. Here, I mix it all up: technology, philosophy, sociology, and research, always striving to bring a human perspective to a world so heavily coded.

Among my most widely read publications, I can highlight the article “What does it really mean to have an “experience”?“, published in UX Collective, a renowned global platform in the UX field; and “Deus Ex Machina“, published in the Estado da Arte section of Estadão, the third most widely read newspaper in Brazil.

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